Watershed Planning

Our watershed management plan was developed by a committee of representatives from various sectors of the community that included residents, farmers, commercial fishers, aquaculturists, sports persons, tourism operators, businesses, and civic leaders. The final plan was presented to the community at an advertised public meeting on April 20, 2011. The plan was adopted unanimously and represents the will of our community members. This plan may be downloaded here .

The community-based planning model for watershed management is accepted as the best available avenue for responsible watershed resource management on PEI. Isolated stream-enhancement work has been the traditional scope of watershed group efforts, but that role has expanded, relatively recently, to encompass direction for community-based planning initiatives. Why?

First, watershed resources extend beyond the trout and salmon habitat that traditional group roles sought to improve and protect. Wider issues of drinking water quality, community setting, and general economic/natural resource conservation and management were not always adequately addressed by traditional activities.

Second, in their stream improvement role, groups were perpetually and reactively correcting recurring problems that followed from ongoing land uses. The premise of community-based planning is to create local awareness of watershed resources and problems, creating a sense of communal ownership and involvement that hopefully promotes responsible land-use practices.

Our group has a substantial commitment to stream improvement work, but we are convinced that community involvement through community-based planning must occur simultaneously with – and not precede – stream enhancement efforts. Informed and aware landowners are the most important vector for watershed improvement and protection.