2019 WCF Project: MacDonalds River Enhancement

Lot 11 and Area, PE (December 18, 2019) – The powerful combination of careful stewardship and
consistent funding is leading to positive developments on the MacDonald’s River in Prince County.
Enhancement efforts on the MacDonald’s River system was a huge success thanks to funding
provided through the Wildlife Conservation Fund.
The group’s special project for 2019, funded in part by the WCF, saw the development of 3
kilometers of access trails, bank stabilization efforts with brush matting, the removal of in-stream
blockages for uninterrupted fish passage, and the planting of 800 native trees and shrubs along the
“The stream system as a whole is becoming more stable and diverse because of the work we have
been able to do thanks to the continued funding from the Wildlife Conservation Fund,” said Karen
Rank, Watershed Group Coordinator. “Their long-term support makes it possible for our group to
make a significant and sustained impact on our environment.”
The Wildlife Conservation Fund provides funding for the protection and enhancement of wildlife and
wildlife habitat on PEI. The fund is made possible by the purchase of Conservation License Plates
and through fees paid by anglers, hunters and trappers